Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday 9/27/2011: Wendy Brown attempts to buy all the College Republicans baked goods and more

Tuesday 9/27/2011: 

UC Berkeley star prof, notorious reactionary, direct action basher, and not so secret Berkeley hater/traiter attempts to teach the Cal Republicans a lesson in capitalism and gets schooled by the racist free market, the BSU mobilizes on Lower Sproul, the art of the molotov cocktail, state repression in Longview, the OPD continue their shooting spree, and more coverage of #Occupy Wall Street's second week. 

Stay wild, ILWU. From Labor Notes, "Longshore Union Protests 'Police Brutality' as President Surrenders"

Rally and Demonstration in Solidarity with Longview Port Workers Resisting State Repression

Yesterday, the CA prison hunger strike resumed.

Austerity is murder! Fuck the Police. "Witness: "Oakland Police Shot Man in the Back"

A comrade in Oakland was nice enough to send this along: The Art of the Molotov Cocktail

Photos from Day 2 of the Kaiser Strike

From AJ English, 41 days into the march Bolivia minister quits over road protest row.

As if we needed more reasons to loath the NYPD

From Bookforum, the Practice and Theory of Marxism

Melissa Harris-Perry goes hard at her detractors, critics, and attackers.

#Occupy Wall Street:

Against Absent Futures

Against Finance Capital: Vijay Prashad on the philosophy behind Occupy Wall Street

Immortal says, "If you really want to make a change, come to Wall Street."

Despite NYPD efforts, Wall Street stays occupied

From the American Prospect, "Follow No Leader" a reactionary critique so bourgeois I'm surprised it doesn't conclude with the sentence, "get a job hippies".

What the Media Aren't Telling you about American Protests

Wall Street brutality legitimizes protestors

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "Cops beat up people because they know they can get away with it!"

From Shift Magazine, "Occupy Manchester is based on this desire to rediscover 'direct action' as a popular political form

"The Diversity Bake Sale"

On the farce of student government 

Follow the Daily Cal's live blog of "The Diversity Bake Sale" here

Follow Davey D's live-blogging from UCB's Sproul Plaza

The good folks at Reclaim UC on Chancellor Birgeneau's response to the racist bake sale

EI's invaluable Nora Barrows Friedman reports on the "nationwide condemnation of the Irvine 11 convictions"

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