Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Roundup: Race, Privilege and the Criminalization of Dissent

The fallout of the Cal Republican's "Diversity Bake Sale" heats up as the ASUC condemns the action, a coalition of students from underrepresented communities of color discuss demands and actions, and everyone's favorite white privilege profiteer predictably weighs in on the matter. (It is the start of college lecture season after all). Occupy Wall Street intensifies following the arrest of 80 demonstrators on Saturday (even WaPO thinks shit is about to go down), progressive media calls out Corporate media for its blackout on Occupy Wall Street, liberal-left pundits jump on the opportunism bandwagon and heap all sorts of ridiculous praise on the movement they just heard about after they noticed it popping up in their RSS feeds, and Anonymous get a hold of the personal information of the pig who pepper sprayed protesters while they were kettled and hot anarchist anthropologist and Occupy Wall Street organizer David Graeber on Occupy Wall Street and the rediscovery of the radical imagination. A host of links on the aftermath of the 'Irvine 11' verdict, and the latest news on labor stuggles, working conditions, and solidarity organizing.

"Diversity Bake Sale": Mini-roundup 

From Mixed Race America: "An open letter to the UC Berkeley College Republicans and their misuse of the concept of racism"

Tim Wise never misses an opportunity to make money talking about racism

The Chronicle's Nanette Asimov reports on the results of ASUC's emergency meeting

*Daily Cal Coverage

*From the East Bay Express, "The Grand History of the Affirmative Action Bake Sale"

The Fallout from the Irvine 11' Trial

Islamophobia is alive and well

Nora Barrows Friedman on state repression and the voicing of Palestinian solidarity 

Angus Johnston on the latest example of the criminalization of protest at the UC

Dead Poet's Society Lied: What the Movies Don't Teach You about Student Resistance

Muslim students convicted of being mean to Israeli ambassador

JVP's statement on the verdict

Harvard's Palestinian Solidarity Committee statement in Solidarity with the Irvine 11

From the LA Times, "Supporters rally around 'Irvine 11' at town hall event

More on # Occupy Wall Street

In case you missed it, David Graeber on Occupy Wall Street and the Rediscovery of the Radical Imagination

"Fire your boss! You don't need him. He needs you!": On Occupy Wall Street's "Leaderless Democracy"

Inside the Wall Street Protests: An Eye Witness Account of Police Crack Down on Peaceful Demonstrators

*"They held water bottles in front of us and drank them. They laughed at everyone and called us 'liberals' and 'hippies,' " Flor said of the police. "They told us we're losers."

Read more:

Want to know the name of the pig who pepper-sprayed protestors at close-range?

*NYPD Abuse in Still Photo Unequivocal

And finally, today in Labor

Competition, Bankruptcy, and the Decline of the United Autoworkers

Fighting to Win: Steel City Solidarity and Solidarity Networks

NYC Restaurateurs: Having to Pay Our Workers is Destroying Us

*Egypt's Labor Movement Blooms in Arab Spring


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